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Instead of a balanced discussion that included all of the major groups affected  by the HIV epidemic, Goosby focused on advances made in prevention and treating  women and children.In Cheap Jeffrey Campbell black stiletto sandals the bad old days, say 25 years ago, they were the  "innocent victims" of the disease while, to many, gay men were not so innocent,  they had brought the infection on themselves. What progress has been made; from  being demonized to being ignored, despite the fact that gay men were and remain  disproportionately affected by HIV in nearly every country in the world.Even  while that six-hour briefing continued to roll on, a mile away at the National  Press Club a handful of AIDS advocates tried to draw a little attention to the  still-festering domestic AIDS situation ahead of the International AIDS  Conference.The Obama administration wants to believe that health reform in the  shape of the surviving Affordable Care Act will take care of everything.AIDS  advocates hope it will help address many of their concerns, but major provisions  won't take effect until 2014 and evaluating their effectiveness will take even  longer. One still has to get from here to there, and even with expanded Medicaid  coverage there will cheap jeffrey campbell still be a need for HIV-specific support programs.

