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There are a number of ways to toms shoes sale equalize the tax treatment of health insurance. One would be to do what George W. Bush proposed, and create a standard deduction that any taxpayer can take advantage of. Another would be the approach championed by Paul Ryan and John McCain, among others, in which every American would get a fixed tax credit, or subsidy, with which to buy insurance for himself. A third approach would be a hybrid system, in which taxpayers could choose between either the deduction or the credit, or in which those falling below an income threshold would get the credit.Wonks and pundits have been speculating as to which of these approaches Romney favors. While I can’t contribute to the speculation—I am an adviser to the Romney campaign on health reform—I can say that any of these approaches would be a vast improvement to the status quo. By moving to an individual market for health insurance, Americans would be able to keep their plans when they change jobs. In addition, they would drive premiums Men's Toms Black Cord Classic Shoes downward by shopping for value, and not overpaying for unneeded benefits.

